NextLevel Launch Program Transformation.

Launch the New Year Right – NextLevel Launch Program

01/10/22 5:00 AM
Ryan Palevsky
Dental Practice Management

Just three hours to a transformed 2022

Now is the time you may be taking stock of the past year (or few years) and thinking about what you can change to gain:

  • More freedom and less stress
  • A team that works together toward shared goals
  • A way to fulfill your dream of helping your patients lead healthier lives
  • Growth and abundance in your finances

I believe that caring clinicians deserve to be debt-free, frustration-free, and free to fulfill their vision for their work and family life. Does this sound out of reach?

Launch a new way of being in your world

Keeping this outcome of personal and professional freedom in mind, the NextLevel launch program is a way to shake yourself out of the inertia you may be experiencing.

Dentists are heroes to me because they make patients happy regardless of their own happiness at the job. Our launch program can finally make your happiness an integral part of your team’s and patients’ happiness. And this isn’t a pie in the sky promise: we’re systematic about it. If you start a launch with us, you will see the logic right away.

For example, first, we dig into your numbers to discover where you need development and other changes to your team, processes, and systems in your practice.

Second, we conduct an anonymous survey to uncover where culture and mindset hold your team back. Most teams are resistant, and even fearful, of taking on new initiatives when they’re already so busy. We have seen this before and we can help.

There’s a lot more involved of course, but the process takes three hours total. Yep, you heard me—just three hours.

Three hours to transform the rest of your life

In only three hours you will see results. Hundreds of practices have. You can call us and get connected with one of them to ask them how.

Hour one—your team leads prepare all of the material we need to get started.

Hour two—a Zoom meeting to review findings and hammer out a plan.

Hour three —We go over the plan and then get started.

That’s it. At the most, you risk three hours and you can get your money back at any time.

Do you need a launch?

Do any of these common practice “states” sound like you?

  • You’re in avoidance – you know you don’t have the practice you need and want for you, your teams or patients. You just feel frozen in the midst of day-to-day chaos and don’t know where to start
  • You’re desperate to get unstuck — you need a way to get out of the high maintenance experience of being the center of the practice and stop reactive firefighting crisis after crisis
  • Your team and leaders possess proactivity and patience with NO time—You say to yourself, “I want to grow but I have zero time to implement anything.”

The launch will move you from any of these spaces of real-life confusion and into real-life change.

Sick of being “sick and tired of being sick and tired”?

Abundance can be your new state of mind and being. You have unlimited potential. You have the freedom to be involved in charities, family events, vacation, and sporting opportunities (cycling around Tuscany this spring?).

For less than $1000, you can reach real, lasting progress. Freedom from frustration and the fear of not attaining the happiness you and your family want.

If I could say one thing to the dentists I meet, I would say this:

It’s okay to want to be less central in your business. It’s okay to put processes in place that empower your teams to take on more—with the attendant financial and personal growth that they—and you—deserve.

Interested? Want to know more?

Just check out this video.

Ready to launch? Click here and we’ll get started right away.