Man happy with a new practice management.

What is Successful Dental Practice Management?

01/21/22 10:49 PM
Gary Kadi
Dental Practice Management

Are you managing your practice, or is it managing you?

If you are a practice leader you likely have a name for dental practice management as you experience it: It may not be printable here.

Is your definition chaos? Is it running as fast as you can? Is it herding cats, racing frogs and any other image that evokes disruption? If your dental practice management even slightly resembles these admittedly beastly metaphors, I have help.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You and your team can change. We have proof.

Getting control over chaos

When working with NextLevel Practice, our dentists experience a palpable sense of relief. Hope is in their eyes for the first time after we tell them:

  • You deserve debt freedom. It doesn’t have to hang over your head for life.
  • You deserve freedom from frustration. You’re grappling with hiring people. Keeping people. Helping them succeed. Creating a culture of excellence you know your patients deserve.
  • You deserve time to enjoy your success. Dental practice management is not all fun and games, of course. But you’ve never been afraid of hard work. You have the clinical skills to really make a difference in the community but there’s so much more to life. Your friends and family miss you—and if you and your spouse are working together in the practice, chances are you miss the relationship you used to have before the stress and strain of substandard dental practice management impacted your attitudes.

Making a plan

NextLevel has worked with hundreds of dental practice leaders to create a comprehensive, proven way to supercharge their dental practice management and harness true, lasting change. Dental practice management includes these elements to enact lasting change:

  • Training the team to perform so they are happy with the goals and financial rewards these new behaviors ensure.
  • Coaching you to lead in a way that you may not have ever dreamed you could.
  • Case management that converts to patient acceptance
  • Using your hygiene department as a driver for financial and patient results
  • And so much more

Just concentrating on these few aspects of dental practice management can revolutionize your life and get you the peace you crave. There’s more to our program but these areas are often the first to attend to for heartening results.

Information without implementation has NO value

We can write our blogs and you can read them and want to put what you learn to work. But how to start? An easy way to start is to take our revenue potential quiz to understand your potential. Our systemic process makes sure that not only do you learn the basics of dental practice management, you become an expert by doing. NextLevel programs bring proven, replicable results. In fact, contact us today and within this week we can get you on the phone with one of our happy practice leaders. You can ask them anything. They will tell you how they finally took the step out of chaos and into controlling their lives. In fact, our guarantee is this:

We will not leave our engagement until you are completely satisfied with what you have learned. You have to believe it will work and we are so confident that you will—we make sure it happens!

The healthy mouth baseline

The cornerstone of any successful dental practice and its management can be the hygiene department and how they present the complete health program. In fact, everyone on your team can educate patients on how a healthy mouth can help them have systemic health. Dental care has been linked to better overall health. Gum disease and other mouth-related problems have been linked to heart attack, stroke, even dementia. There’s so much more we want to tell you. Your patients, family, team, and community will thank you.

Want to learn more now? Contact us for quick, easy information.