Our revenue locator quiz helps you find out what profit can be added

Where is all my money going…and how can I get it back?

02/22/22 8:59 PM
Ryan Palevsky
Dental Practice Management

Our revenue locator will find out where extra profits in your practice are hiding.

It breaks my heart. The dentists I meet are putting in long hours. They want the best for their teams and their patients, but all too often their own well-being is at risk.

From stress.

From frustration.

From missing important family events.

And when financial difficulties are piled on top of these stressors, everything just gets worse–in the office and even at home.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Chances are, your practice already has the potential to earn significantly more revenue than it currently does–and that’s just based on your current patients!

Want to know what your practice could earn? Check out our Practice Revenue Locator.

Answer a few simple questions to discover your capacity for revenue. I’ll bet you it’s significantly more than you thought.

Six numbers to serenity

Input just six numbers and you may be able to say, like Lisa McDonald, DMD:

“We’re up $500K in new revenue and I went from overworked and overstressed to leading my team with confidence and loving my work.”

Just click here to answer these questions:

1) How many locations do you have?
2) How many people work there?
3) How many chairs are there?
4) How many years in practice?
5) Gross annual revenue?
6) How many active patients do you serve?

And that’s it. It doesn’t get any easier.

What’s more, we’d love to help you interpret your score and dive into ways you can put your results to work. Just schedule a free 30-minute call to explore your numbers and learn your next steps.

We love digging into numbers with you. We’ve found that statistics and metrics are beautifully cut and dried, leading to clear, understandable actions. One number low? Address this area. Different area low? Here’s where to fix it. Cause and effect at its finest.

After working with more than 6000 practices across the country and world, we’ve created a replicable plan to help practices grow. Here are some of the areas we like to address to get incredible results:

  • Your books – keeping daily tabs on the most important numbers can help you increase revenue and get out of debt faster
  • Your patient education – teaching patients about the importance of their oral health to their entire body skyrockets case acceptance (and revenue)
  • Your staffing – giving the opportunity to educate allows them more professional satisfaction—and helps retain and attract A-level talent
  • Your delivery of complete health messages – Once you learn how to teach patients that their dental care is their healthcare, they’re happy to get in your chair for the next, needed procedure

Don’t feel bad if balancing the business while caring for patients and staff doesn’t come naturally to you. It doesn’t to anyone! Running a business is a learned skill. Dental school didn’t teach you about metrics and numbers—but we can. Start with the Revenue Locator Quiz to learn how much you can be earning and discover the places you can grow to meet your potential.