Toys showcasing dental team, or payroll, working together on mouth.

Turn Your Payroll into a Profit Center

03/9/22 5:01 AM
Ryan Palevsky
Dental Team

Every dollar spent on your dental team will deliver $2 or more back into your practice

Many practice owners believe that because payroll is money coming out of the bank account that it is a drain of resources and profits. But here at NextLevel, we believe that money spent on your team is an investment in the productivity of your practice and, by extension, the health of your patients.

Here’s how it works:

  • If your team feels well-compensated, they will remain motivated.
  • If you are leading a motivated team, your job will be easier.
  • If your job is easier, you can focus on the most important parts of the practice.
  • If you can focus only on what needs to be fixed, your patients will receive better care in a calmer environment.

How can you reach this state of reasonableness?


Now before you start moaning and groaning, hear us out.

We have found that each dollar spent on training is equal to a happier, more productive team member (we’re talking 2x more productive!) Even better, this productivity transforms into profits.

We’ve seen this time and time again in the 6,000+ practices that we’ve worked with.

Monday Morning “Boos” to Training?

Now, we know what you might be thinking. The last time you tried walking into the office on a Monday morning, full of plans for training, your team was not on the same page. In fact, they wanted you to rip out your training page, and throw it away!

That’s why we do things differently. We’ve seen all of the common “we hate training” issues:

  • You say the word, “training” and half your team calls in sick on the day it’s planned.
  • Your new hires don’t have any context or goals for their behavior so they distract and/or drain your team’s energy.
  • Your training is not linked to a bonus system that empowers and energizes your team.

Triple-Win Bonus System

With the right training system, you can get everyone on your team on the same page, excited and inspired to do their part, no matter their role. And with a performance-based bonus system built around what they really want, you’ll be amazed at their productivity, even when you’re not around. Our proven, proprietary, triple-win bonus system is where practice owners, patients, and team members all win.

DE Solutions Lab – Turn Your Payroll into a Profit Center

Want to know more? You’re invited to watch our webinar with Dental Economics chief editor Dr. Pamela M. Maragliano-Muniz, and NextLevel’s own Gary Kadi.

Inside, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create top team members with a proven, automated training system
  • Inspire your existing team through your new hires
  • Nurture a team that craves metrics to gain self-esteem, purpose and monetary rewards
  • Show each team member they are valued and vital to meeting practice and patient needs

#1 Problem Becomes #1 Profit Center

We understand that creating an environment of productivity and unity is a huge problem for dentists and dental practice leaders. Perhaps you’re even currently living this nightmare. It’s exhausting to feel like you have to watch every team member to ensure they are performing.

This training will help team members learn to be consistent and be rewarded for their performance. This inspires their change in performance to come from within. You don‘t even have to be around for the change to come—instead, the bonus system will encourage them to be more productive than ever before.

Watch Turn Your Payroll Into a Profit Center, and let’s make payroll the best investment you could ever make in your practice. You can also schedule a free consultation with Gary Kadi himself.