Free Daily Morning Huddle Motivator

Our success is measured by enhanced patient health, personal wealth, and time spent with your family.

It's about radical common sense patient education, intuitive systems and engaged teams operating from a sense of heartfelt purpose and value creation.

It's about automation and accountability by position that allows team members to relate to their work as meaningful and important. It’s about creating a culture of willingness that operates on a foundation of integrity, which allows for ease workability and empowerment that is managed by responsible team leader so that you can focus on what's really important - dentistry that gets patients healthier and looking great.

This all leads to a one-of-a-kind patient experience and a happy aligned team driven by a common vision.

Teams and Doctors make not just a great living - they make a great life.

This is how we co-create what we call the Complete Health Practice.

Together, we shape the future of dentistry and the future of healthcare. Every day we get closer to our vision of 30 million people healthier by the year 2020. We are in the business of enhancing the quality of people's lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do I need?

We work with practices that:
  • Are HOW (Honest, Open and Willing)
  • Are committed to producing results
  • Are interested in creating a collaborative versus competitive healthcare community

What kind of results can I expect to achieve?

We only take on clients we know we can impact. NextLevel Community Members experience the following:
  • Most notably reported is home life improves dramatically
  • The program is usually paid off within 90 days
  • Personal income will increase within three months
  • Free time doubles in the first year
This is possible because we help community members reverse engineer their ideal income and free time as our first step. Together we build the structure that will be targeted on a daily basis, by position, allowing for control and proactive identification of opportunity and challenge. Growing the practice does not include hard selling, working more hours or practicing dentistry differently than you do now. You and your team will be more efficient, more effective and working smarter while enhancing the patient experience through education. We share intelligent things with intelligent people so that they can make intelligent decisions. The NextLevel Practice Flagship Leading Dentist In Complete Health Program produces results, very often, even after many failed attempts. Most of NextLevel Community Members have worked with another coach. With information so freely available in today’s digital world, information alone does not change lives. Implementation does. Practitioners invest in the methodology because it focuses on implementation and is people centered. Our philosophies, concepts, tools and strategies are not just about money and success, we are about supporting you in making more than a living. This is about designing a life that’s meaningful and designed by you. For more specific details about the results clients have achieved and the impact the Program has had on their lives, please see case studies.

Where do I start?

The decision to bring in an outside advisor can be very challenging. First, it is an act of courage and strength to raise your hand and ask for help. Then, how do you know if the advisor can truly help you while making sure the program is an investment not a cost? In the first session, you and your coach will specifically define what you want to accomplish. Some doctors want to increase their salary. Some want more time with family. Some want to build a practice up so it can be sold for top dollar. Others want to buy a second practice, or third, or fifth. Some want to hire a rockstar associate. Whatever your goals, in the first session they will be clearly defined. For many, this is one of the biggest takeaways and stress reducers. In the second session, we will take an x-ray of your practice and create a clear picture of your current capacity, your culture, your patients, and your areas of opportunity. We will provide you with a snapshot of your key performance indicators, educate you on national benchmarks, and bring your awareness to things you know, may have forgotten, and most importantly, to areas that you didn't know that you didn't know. These blind spots open doctor-owners to new approaches and possibilities in achieving desired outcomes. In the third session, we will develop the written plan on how to take your practice from where it is, to where you want it to be. We'll include practical, clear, actionable steps to achieve your goals in all areas of your business - patient care, team performance, and profitability - simultaneously. The Launch Program is backed by a 100% guarantee. If you're not happy with the process or results, you can cancel at anytime for a full refund. The risk is where it should be, on us, because we are the experts and you are coming to us to move you forward.

How long is the Curriculum?

The NextLevel Complete Health Practice Curriculum is mapped out forthree years with most clients achieving significant results in just a few months. Those teams who are dedicated to lifelong learning challenge themselves to raise the bar each year and enjoy camaraderie of a like-minded community. The majority of NextLevel participants consider the Complete Health Community to be an ongoing part of developing and expanding their personal and business lives. The curriculum is built on Gary Kadi’s first three books Million Dollar Dentistry, Raise Your Healthy Deserve Level and The Dentist: America’s Unsung Healthcare Hero. Year One – Practitioners create a solid foundation moving from a “personality” based practice to a structured, proven Complete Health business model. Expanding the practice's value proposition from saving smiles to saving lives elevates the practice purpose and the known value experienced by the patient through our world-class, simple-to-understand and deliver 5-Step Healthy Patient Blueprint system. The transformation that happens in year one allows doctors, spouses and teams to see new possibilities for a better future, develop new positive habits, and enjoy new tools, support systems and structures. Practitioners know a new freedom and peace with team, patients and the business side of their practice reigniting a new passion for dentistry. Year Two – Built from Raise Your Healthy Deserve Level, Gary found that dentists, after a successful year one, began to self sabotage their success. Through his own self-discovery and personal sabotage, Gary designed year two to protect practitioners by building a solid foundation of continued success. It is one thing to achieve success and year two is about continuing success and keeping you out of the way of the natural growth momentum. Adding hygienists and associates become needed due to the increase in patient compliance in hygiene and increased case acceptance. Year Three - Participants have a greatly expanded view of the possibilities that are available to them. Doctor’s become Dental CEO’s of their enterprise. The Team Leader gets trained in Management 2.0 because he or she is now managing a seven-figure practice. The results at this level include the freedom to step outside of chairside dentistry if the practitioner so chooses. Another option is that the CEO purchases multiple practices and expands horizontally. Beyond Year Three - For the “gamer” who understands running a successful enterprise means ensuring that the foundation they’ve worked so hard to build is an ongoing process. In the industry, team and patients needs and wants are constantly changing. Having an outside coach to proactively address changes in attitudes, culture and metrics is peace of mind. Practices are either whitening or yellowing and operating at this level allows the Dental CEO to support new growth and to fund the realization of new dreams.