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Doctor's Spotlight

[ Andrea Foley, DMD ]

Andrea Foley, DMD
Andrea Foley, DMD

2016 Vadalabene Drive

Maryville, IL 62062


Dr. Andrea Foley, Year 5

Dr. Foley started her partnership with NextLevel Practice looking to grow and adopt the Complete Health Curriculum. Some of the biggest challenges she faced were: not having the right people in the right places doing the right things, not having a strong system to hold the team accountable, and not having the foundation she needed to be the CEO of her practice and take it to the next level. From the start of her relationship with NextLevel, Dr. Foley and her team created a vision and purpose for their practice. They made it a priority to deliver superior care to their patients, in a comfortable and convenient setting.

Dr. Foley had immediate success using next level practice and saw a growth of over 50% in the first year alone. Through the years however, she was faced with many changes and challenges... It has been on a mission to get her patients healthy and improve their lives from the start.

Recently, Dr. Foley and her team created the Foley Family Health Challenge, inviting their community to join the team in pursuing complete health by consuming at least 80oz of water per day and tracking it with an accountability buddy.

The biggest breakthrough for her practice has been the team unity and ability to persevere through any challenge together.

Isn’t it time you took your practice to the NextLevel?