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Does your team agree on a baseline for what Complete Health looks like in your practice?

We can all agree that there is no shortage of research showing that infection in the mouth is linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and other systemic diseases.

As advocates for your patients’ overall wellness, it is your responsibility to educate your patients on the importance of oral health and the role it plays in their complete wellness.

The truth is, most patients don’t know what a healthy mouth truly is.  When patients understand what oral health means, the parameters of a healthy mouth and the overall role oral health plays, they become more accepting of your treatments because they understand the objective behind them.

This is why it is crucial for you to establish a healthy mouth baseline with your team and a healthy mouth benchmark with your patients at every visit.

The Healthy Mouth Baseline is:

  • What you and your team get in agreement on (from a soft tissue, hard tissue, life-style and whole-body perspective) and believe that every single patient deserves to have for his or her oral health.
  • Communicated to all patients at every visit along with the “why” you, as a dental professional, are committed to helping patients achieve this goal.
  • A tool that allows you, your team, and your patients to be aligned in the same goals and the treatments necessary to achieving them.
  • Critical in providing your patients with the education they need to be empowered around accepting dental treatment.

Implementing this powerful tool in your practice is a gamechanger in the health of your patients and in the profitability of your practice.

Download a copy of the Healthy Mouth Baseline Tool Today!