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Gary Kadi: The Voice Revolutionizing
Dental Practices Around the World

You could hire another speaker to talk theory about building a dental practice…
or you could choose the speaker who’s turned around
6,000 dental practices (and counting!)

Yes, Audiences of Dental Practitioners
Are Raving About Gary’s Message

Gary is one of the most genuine, caring, emotional man I know. He offers us so much love and wisdom. I can listen to his wisdom, knowledge, and take aways for hours!

Barbara McClatchie,
Complete Health Dentistry Of Columbus

Gary Kadi is the Master of Complete Health Dentistry. He is the most inspirational and authentic speaker I have ever heard. His passion exudes his genuine love for others and is truly making a difference in his speaking. I’m truly honored to know Gary. He has made a positive difference in my life.

Andi Moore,
Del Sur Ranch Dental

Gary Kadi leaves his audience touched, moved and inspired.... and with the tools to take back home and end up with Happy Patients, Happy Doctor and a Happy Team.

Michelle DeFelice Hucke,
Jax Beaches Family Dentistry

What you think you need: a speaker who only talks about how to build a thriving dental practice.
What you really need: a speaker who knows the exact process for scaling your dental practice to unprecedented success.
Spoiler alert: that speaker is Gary Kadi.

These Dental Industry Leaders Trust Gary…

Meet Gary Kadi – Dental Advocate, Author, Advisor and CEO of NextLevel Practice

Gary Kadi is the leading voice of dental practice success. For over 20 years Gary has served the dental community by directly influencing the revolution of over 6,000 practices around the world. He is the visionary CEO of NextLevel, a featured educator and advocate for dentistry, dentists, and dental teams, and bestselling author of Million Dollar Dentistry.

As a featured speaker, Gary disrupts status-quo dentistry to re-energize practices, raise profit margins, and elevate practice impact to the next level. He founded NextLevel Practice to implement his proprietary Complete Health Dentistry™ business model that is now responsible for increasing collections by over $300 million, creating over 50,000 hours in additional time off, and helping over six million patients enjoy healthier lives.

Gary’s Speaking Topics & Event Information

1. What Top Dental CEO’s Are Doing Differently Now

In this powerful talk, Gary Kadi will share the secrets to combining real-time practice data and automated team training to achieve dental practice perfection. Gary will also reveal the 3 automation musts for every dental practice and the powerful 5-step ethical, no pressure patient education case acceptance system. This talk, and the game-changing tools Gary shares, will put you on the path to becoming the go-to $2 million pre-eminent practice in your community.

2. Make Prevention Profitable

Do well while doing good!

You believe in, and have been practicing, oral-systemic health and now it's time to get your team and patients onboard. Having your dental practice set up to consistently educate your patients on something so intangible and preventive is a common challenge that many oral systemic practitioners face. Our meta-data of a thousand practices and 6 million treatment plans, shows that only 8% of patients are presented perio treatment and only 4% of patients accept. That is a significant number of patients that dentists aren’t serving and a big profitability loss for practices. In this talk, Gary will illustrate the profitability potential in prevention, teach how to increase patient case acceptance and share the essential steps needed to get your team and patients onboard. Walking away from this talk, you will have the strategies and tools to start helping your patients in a more powerful way while increasing the profitability of your practice.

3. The Million Dollar Hygiene Department

This Million Dollar Hygiene Department talk is a one-of-a-kind event led by Gary Kadi that features invaluable coaching, consulting and training. In this event, you’ll discover how to increase hygiene production while improving patients’ health, how to increase your 5-star Google reviews, how to unburden your hygienist, and how to get your patients to accept treatment without having to give a hard sell. This talk is designed specifically for Doctors and Hygiene teams however all team members are encouraged to attend.

Gary is awesome at getting you to focus on your one thing. Thanks for making my life more positive.

Brad Hunt

Gary is amazing, heartfelt and inspirational. He has you on the edge of your seat at every seminar. It’s an amazing feeling to not want to leave a seminar but to learn more and more!

Dawn Patrick, Fairlington Dental

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