Dental Administration

How to Rise Above Dental Challenges in 2023: 4 Insights from Gary Kadi

04/4/23 4:51 PM
Gary Kadi
Dental Practice Coaching, Dental Practice Consulting

It’s no secret that the dental industry has faced numerous challenges over the years, but 2023 presents a unique set of obstacles that practices must navigate in order to stay ahead. In a recent guest post on Cain Watters & Associates’ blog, our founder, Gary Kadi, shared four important insights on how dental practices can rise above these challenges and thrive.

Attract and Retain Patients

One of the biggest challenges facing dental practices in 2023 is attracting and retaining patients. With the rise of telemedicine and other virtual healthcare options, patients have more choices than ever before when it comes to their healthcare providers. To stay competitive, dental practices must focus on providing exceptional patient experiences that keep them coming back.

Gary emphasized the importance of creating a patient-centric practice culture that focuses on building relationships and trust with patients. This includes empowering team members to take ownership of patient interactions, investing in staff training and development, and leveraging technology to streamline communication and enhance patient engagement.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Another key challenge facing dental practices in 2023 is navigating the rapidly changing healthcare landscape. From new regulations and compliance requirements to changing reimbursement models and payment structures, practices must stay informed and adapt quickly to stay ahead of the curve.

According to Gary, the key to successfully navigating these challenges is to embrace a growth mindset and focus on continuous improvement. This includes investing in professional development and continuing education for staff, staying up to date on industry trends and best practices, and seeking out opportunities for collaboration and networking with other dental professionals.

Build a Strong Team

Along with attracting and retaining patients and keeping up with the changing healthcare landscape, it is also essential for practice owners to create a strong team. Having a cohesive and well-trained team can help ensure that the practice runs smoothly even during times of uncertainty. This involves not only hiring the right people but also investing in their ongoing training and development. 

Gary said, “If we’ve learned one thing from the pandemic, it’s that no one wins alone. Now more than ever, stop trying to do it all yourself and build a team that will take your practice to new heights during this challenging time.” You can foster this unity by holding regular team meetings, training sessions, and team-building activities to foster a sense of camaraderie and ensure that everyone is united behind the practice’s mission and vision.

Make Goals and Focus on What You Can Control

It’s understandable that these challenges can feel overwhelming. In past years, you were perhaps faced with smaller or less frequent challenges that you could easily address. But with compounding problems like staffing shortages, inflation, and fundamental changes to dentistry, it’s easy to feel burnout and even hopelessness. Don’t give up! The challenges are real, but you can still overcome them.

Gary suggests that instead of getting overwhelmed with the problems of here and now, instead focus on your larger goal. Keeping your eyes on the prize will help you deal with the issues of the moment. By the same token, focus on what you can control. Instead about beating yourself up about issues out of your hands (like inflation, for instance), look at things you can take on–your attitude, making positive changes to your systems and processes, and training your team.

If you’re looking to build a more resilient dental practice and take your business to the next level, you don’t have to do it alone. Our team of experts can provide you with the tools and resources you need to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the dental industry and succeed in today’s competitive market. From strategic planning and team development to marketing and financial management, we can help you build a thriving practice that’s built to last. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you reach your goals.